Are you considering international adoption? You probably have a laundry list of questions. Adoption is a process that's filled with many roadblocks, especially when it involves multiple countries. International adoption may be complicated, but it's also rewarding for parents and children around the globe. Here's what you need to know before getting started.
International Adoption Rules
International adoption is often a complex process. Every country has unique laws and procedures that could impact your ability to adopt. Many countries set strict rules that limit the number of adoptions coming from the U.S. each year. They may also have specific criteria you have to meet to adopt. International adoption agencies may judge you based on your marital status, income, health records, or age.
It's important to review the adoption rules in the country where your potential child lives. You can find international adoption policies on The State Department website. An attorney can help you review the rules and determine whether or not you are eligible to proceed with an adoption. Their expertise can prove valuable and save you time and money during the adoption process.
The Hague Adoption Convention
The Hague Adoption Convention is a treaty that sets standards of practices for international adoptions. Over 100 countries signed the treaty and must abide by its policies and procedures for adoption. It provides important safeguards to protect the best interests of children, birth parents, and adoptive parents. Countries in the Hague Convention must only use accredited service providers for international adoptions.
The Hague Convention rules apply to all adoptions in the U.S. that involve other countries in the treaty. U.S. officers determine the eligibility of adoptions before the process is finalized. This can help prospective parents determine if their child can enter and stay in the U.S.
The Adoption Process
International adoption also involves large amounts of paperwork. You have to fill out complex documents including a home study, dossier, a visa petition, immigration application, and more. These forms play a major role in your adoption eligibility and should not be taken lightly. You must fill out the documents correctly and keep copies of them for future reference.
Minor mistakes can make a big impact on your ability to adopt. Caulder and Valentine are here to help. Our caring and compassionate attorneys can assist you during your international adoption. Contact us today!