Are Political Differences Driving Couples to Divorce?

Americans are no stranger to political differences. The recent presidential election showed that America remains an extremely polarized country. One study revealed that about 90% of Americans feared that a victory by an opposing political party would lead to lasting harm in the United States.

The growing divide between Republicans and Democrats may come as no surprise. What you might not know is that politics are driving a wedge between couples. Many married couples are calling it quits due to political differences with their spouses.

Mixed Political Marriages

Although the political climate remains divisive, many Americans aren't afraid to reach across the aisle when selecting a partner. Researchers discovered that “mixed” political marriages are relatively common.

Political scientists evaluated over 18 million voter registration records to determine the rate of mixed political marriages. It turns out that 30 percent of married couples belong to different political parties than their partner. 

Political Differences and Divorce

While partisanship is not preventing couples from getting married, it may be contributing to divorces. A recent Wakefield Research study revealed that 29 percent of Americans viewed the political climate as a cause of tension between their partner.

Researchers also found that 11 percent of Americans decided to end a romantic relationship over political differences. Younger couples were the most likely to break up over politics, with 22 percent of millennials deciding to call it quits over political views. Over 20 percent of respondents also knew a couple whose marriage or relationship suffered following the 2016 election.

Can You Get a Divorce Over Political Differences?

Whether you're red or blue, there's no denying that political differences can be a difficult obstacle to overcome in a marriage. The Wakefield Research study shows that it is increasingly difficult for couples to overcome opposing viewpoints in the modern political climate. But can differing politics be grounds for divorce?

If you're dealing with political differences, it's certainly possible to get divorced. North Carolina is a no-fault divorce state. Spouses who file for divorce do not need to prove fault to get a divorce.

North Carolina couples must meet two requirements to file for divorce.

Before filing, a couple must be physically separated for at least one year, and at least one spouse must have lived in the state for at least six months.

If both parties agree to the divorce, you may experience an uncontested or collaborative divorce. Attorneys can help you settle collaborative divorces outside of court. These divorces involve a mutual agreement on terms like alimony, child custody, and property division.

Your Divorce Attorneys

Are you looking to file for divorce? We're here to help. Contact our caring and compassionate attorneys to schedule a consultation today. Give us a call at 704-470-2440.
