Prenuptial Do’s and Don’ts In North Carolina

Even though couples are reluctant to bring it up, prenuptial agreements are a great way to handle the complexities of modern relationships before tying the knot. As the average age of marriage rises and people marry and remarry with children from past relationships, prenuptial agreements can help couples decide what assets to comingle and what to keep separate. They can also serve as a guide to reduce confusion and stress during a separation or divorce.

If you are considering a prenup as a way to help plan for your future, here are some dos and don'ts when it comes to prenuptial agreements in North Carolina.

Do: Take Your Family Dynamics Into Consideration

Today, people are redefining families in ways that speak to the diversity and richness of our society. With these new definitions come family dynamics, where a prenuptial agreement can help to ease future concerns. So you may want to consider getting a premarital agreement if:

  • You have children from a previous marriage and wish to save assets for them,
  • You have an ownership interest in a business,
  • You expect to receive an inheritance in the future, or
  • You are concerned about past or future alimony or child support

Don't: Be Afraid To Speak Up

Even if you think a request seems silly, don't be afraid to speak up and ask for what you want. Prenuptial agreements can help determine the ownership of pets and who gets to keep sentimental items special to the both of you. Whatever the concern, deciding these matters while the relationship is going well can help to avoid unnecessary stress if a separation occurs in the future.

Do: Talk It Through

Open communication is one of the keys to a long-lasting relationship. So couples should use that same approach when discussing prenuptial matters. Be honest about your current financial circumstances and your desires for the future. Then work together to create a plan that makes you and your partner feel secure. Protecting each other financially is not only smart strategic planning. It's also an act of love.

Don't: Use The Same Lawyer

Although both spouses should feel good about the terms of their prenup, using the same attorney won't get you there smoothly. By hiring separate lawyers, you can be sure that you have someone looking out for your best interest and professional help to work through some of the stickier situations. You'll also guarantee that your prenup is fair and reasonable for both spouses.

Do: Get It In Writing

If you put in all the hard work to avoid stress down the line, don't throw it all away by forgetting to put your agreement in writing. In North Carolina, prenuptial agreements must be in writing and be signed by each spouse before marriage to serve their intended purpose in the future.

Don't: Neglect To Hire Experienced Attorneys

If you need help with your prenuptial agreement, contact the Caulder and Valentine legal team. Our seasoned North Carolina family attorneys can help you create a prenup that works for your modern family today and protects your peace for the future. To reach us, fill out our online contact form or call (704)470-2440 today.
