Posted by Josh Valentine | May 18, 2021 |
If your marriage is in trouble, you may be wondering about whether to pursue a legal separation or a divorce. First of all, know that a divorce is the legal ending of a marriage, while a separation — although it can feel like a divorce in many ways — does not legally end a marriage.
Because both...
Posted by Josh Valentine | May 17, 2021 |
DIY trends are no longer reserved for home renovations projects. Some separating couples believe they can DIY their divorces too. However, divorce isn't like a home project. There are no do-overs if things go awry or a party fails to protect their rights. To add insult to injury, DIYers can end u...
Posted by Josh Valentine | Apr 16, 2021 |
When marrying for the second time, you will have many things to consider, likely many more than when you first walked down the aisle. Where will you live? How should you co-parent a blended family? How should you manage your joint retirement plans?
At this point in your life, you may have signif...
Posted by Josh Valentine | Apr 16, 2021 |
Choosing to give a child a home with you through adoption is a beautiful thing. While adoption could be the most rewarding thing you ever do, you must recognize the gravity of the commitment you are making and how it can change your marriage.
Deciding to adopt
Couples reach the decision to adop...
Posted by Josh Valentine | Apr 16, 2021 |
There are several reasons why married couples don't stay together, and these reasons may change over time. One factor that has remained a reliable predictor of marital success over the last few decades, however, is occupation.
Specifically, financial stability is a significant factor in marital ...
Posted by Josh Valentine | Mar 18, 2021 |
In 2014 Matt Shaer wrote an infamous article in GQ magazine about a controversial rabbi who attempted to coerce Orthodox men into giving their wives religious divorces through questionable means. These means included kidnapping, beating, and torture. He also charged the women attempting to obtain...
Posted by Josh Valentine | Mar 17, 2021 |
Deciding to get a divorce is the first step in a series of complex decisions about the end of your marriage, but it doesn't have to be a costly decision. Figuring out your finances as soon as you've decided divorce is your best option will ensure you will be protected financially in the long run....
Posted by Josh Valentine | Mar 17, 2021 |
Newly elected President Joe Biden has promised significant changes in the area of immigration law under his presidency. Many of Biden's stances on immigration are in direct conflict with the most recent four years under the Trump administration. Under President Biden's plan to welcome and embrace...
Posted by Josh Valentine | Feb 08, 2021 |
Marriage is a common experience among adults in western cultures. It is estimated that by age 50, more than 90% of us will marry at least once. According to the American Psychological Association, this is excellent news because marriage is good for a person's mental and physical health. It is als...
Posted by Josh Valentine | Dec 16, 2020 |
Going through a divorce is never easy, but splitting up a lifetime of memories can be even more challenging. In many cases, dividing your real estate, retirement and investment accounts, or bank balances is so much easier. After all, splitting a bank balance down the middle is straightforward and...
Posted by Josh Valentine | Dec 16, 2020 |
As COVID-19 rates continue to climb across North Carolina, whether you're in Charlotte proper or the Charlotte metropolitan area, like Gastonia, you may be wondering how to address child custody and safety across your household and your ex's household. In fact, the North Carolina Family Court Adv...
Posted by Josh Valentine | Dec 16, 2020 |
A big question for those going through a divorce is what will happen with their home or other real estate. We all need a roof over our heads. Yet homes are much more practical and sentimental than simple shelter. These days especially, we depend on our home to live and work. A home inherited, con...
Posted by Blake Caulder | Oct 01, 2020 |
Are you considering international adoption? You probably have a laundry list of questions. Adoption is a process that's filled with many roadblocks, especially when it involves multiple countries. International adoption may be complicated, but it's also rewarding for parents and children around t...
Posted by Josh Valentine | Apr 22, 2020 |
Protective orders, sometimes called restraining orders, are common after a divorce, domestic violence call, or conviction for abuse or stalking. A protection order may direct a party to refrain from contacting the other; prohibit a party from going within a certain distance of the other; grant to...
Posted by Josh Valentine | Apr 15, 2020 |
With the stress of a worldwide pandemic, confusion over when this will all be over, and spending so much time in close quarters, many families are struggling to keep it together. Normally, a spouse may have time to go fishing, watch sports with friends, or escape in their jobs. Now, many spouses ...
Posted by Josh Valentine | Apr 13, 2020 |
During these challenging times, many people are finding themselves without an income and in debt. Bankruptcy filings may increase after the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic. Bankruptcy allows individuals to discharge or restructure debt. Some priority debts are not dischargeable, including child sup...
Posted by Josh Valentine | Apr 02, 2020 |
With travel restrictions, kids home from school, and stay-at-home orders in North Carolina, families may be feeling increased tension in the home. Many couples are separated during long stretches of the day when at work, out with friends, or spending time exercising. Such a dramatic change in day...
Posted by Josh Valentine | Mar 24, 2020 |
The North Carolina Court System is “largely closed,” but will remain open for limited activity in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Like many other businesses and government agencies, the courts have taken action to slow the spread of COVID-19 among the public and employees. Chief ...
Posted by Josh Valentine | Mar 17, 2020 |
There is a lot of confusion surrounding the coronavirus or COVID-19 and the situation is changing every day. Parents with children may be dealing with a lot between having children home from school, arranging child care, or trying to work from home. Parents sharing custody may have additional hur...
Posted by Josh Valentine | Mar 10, 2020 |
Historically, there tends to be an increase in impaired driving over St. Paddy's Day. The police are out in force looking for impaired drivers so make sure that if you plan to go out drinking, you have a way to get home safe.
Posted by Josh Valentine | Mar 02, 2020 |
Many parents know that their relationship is essentially over but still stay together for the sake of their children. Divorce can be difficult for children, especially when they are younger. Many parents wait until their children go off to college to finally separate. However, it may not be much ...
Posted by Josh Valentine | Feb 28, 2020 |
The court should treat both spouses fairly and equally in a divorce. However, the spouse who files first in a divorce may have some benefits at the responding spouse's expense. Filing for divorce is a serious step and a spouse may have reasons to reconsider or put off filing. Even after talking a...
Posted by Josh Valentine | Feb 21, 2020 |
It can be difficult being a teenager who feels independent in most of their day-to-day life but is still subject to the rules of living in their parent's household. Until an individual turns 18 years old, they are generally under their parent's legal and physical custody. Similarly, the parents a...
Posted by Josh Valentine | Feb 10, 2020 |
Valentine's Day can be a significant event for people going through divorce. Divorces may actually increase around Valentine's Day. It is supposed to be a holiday where partners celebrate each other with romantic gestures. However, the excess of hearts, gifts, and romance can be difficult for peo...
Posted by Josh Valentine | Feb 04, 2020 |
Police and law enforcement across North Carolina are no strangers to the partying habits of football fans on Super Bowl Sunday. The North Carolina Highway Patrol and other agencies are on high alert for the hours right around the end of the Super Bowl, as revelers start to head home and parties wind down.